
Jim often leads workshops in many facets of music-making, particularly Improvisation, Guitar, Songwriting, Contemporary Choral Singing as well as other interactive sessions.
Improvisation & Creativity
Games with instruments and voices, in sound, movement and related arts immerse all involved in prolific creativity and demonstrate the power of attuned collaboration. This can be a great community builder. Any and all musical instruments are welcome. No experience necessary.
An Earth and Spirit Songfest
Lend your voice, renew your spirit and celebrate our ideals in song. Drawing on his own music and songs of ecology, diversity, community and peace, Jim turns any group into a choir, taught by ear. The joyful music of all sorts can be used in spiritual gatherings and in the greater movement for social change. Come listen or participate.
Making Art of Our Vision
Raising our collective voice in music, movement, visual art and poetry we celebrate with no judgments but with a serious outcome. With some time for spiritual renewal, we turn our creative impulses to visions for a better world. Musical instruments welcome – no experience necessary.
Jazz, Gospel and Contemporary Choral Singing
With many examples of his own work and music of others, Jim offers a wealth of insights to help the traditional choir celebrate with music that is rhythmic, reflective of a wider culture, and welcoming to a younger generation. Demonstrating the differences in enunciation/inflection in contemporary singing and modeling an attitude of rising out of one’s shell, communicating, Jim energizes a choir in ways that carry over to all music.
From original SATB pieces to jazz/gospel arrangements in his “Hymns to Jazz” collection, SAB arrangements made for Jim’s Worcester Community Chorus and many other songs, Jim has much to offer to church musical forces. His Earth and Spirit Songbook also includes many songs with vocal harmony arrangements.
Camps & Conferences
Jim has served as Theme Speaker or Music Director at many UU Camps. He’s presented talks on Green Sanctuary, Music and Spirituality, Peace/Non-Violence and others with workshops and performances. More specific information on these offerings is available by contacting Jim.
See a home-made video of Jim leading a workshop on scales and chords in Raleigh NC on YouTube at –